Marriage Prediction According to Astrology in India

Planning to get married? Is this the right time? Is this the right person? Would you like to know the future compatibility with your partner? Astrology Marriage Predition Marriage is a lifetime commitment between two people and their families. We often look for a signs of assurance before committing. Astrology is a scientific study of the effects of planets and stars on human life. It is an ancient science which studies the positions and movements of celestial objects in great details. Marriage astrology prediction can be done using date of births of the couple. The date, time and place of birth are used to create a Kundli. This Kundli or birth chart along with the planetary influences can predict possibility, time and nature of marriage . Kundlis are also matched for marriage prediction for a couple. This site provides marriage prediction by date of birth free online! What is a Kundli? A Kundli also known as a Janam Kundli is a birth chart created by experts for...