How various remedies help to improve planet strength

In Vedic astrology , we know that the planets in the solar system influence the human beings and their destiny. It is known that the planets move around in the solar system and change their positions which in turn would influence the human beings living on the earth. The position of planets is determined and noted in the birth horoscope of the individual. There are some planets which have ill effects on the individual due to their position. There are various astrological remedies available to improve the strength of each planet. Let’s see the astrological remedies available for the various planets in the solar system. Ø Sun: Every morning sit under direct sunlight for a few minutes.This will help you to get the benefits of sunlight. Food should be eaten in the presence of sunlight, which means after sunrise and after sunset. Avoid eating after sunset.Preferably drink water which has been stored in a copper utensil. Try to use wooden furniture and avoid metal furnit...