Astrology tells how to avoid divorce in a married life

Marriage is an enduring relation with lots of responsibilities. It brings a major change in your life. These changes can be good or bad as well. Sometimes the changes are very weird that the person decides to get separate. This leads to the most unwanted aspect of married life called ‘Divorce’. Here are few facts for consideration to avoid divorce in astrology. What are the circumstances responsible for a divorce in astrology? There are different aspects of married life. Each aspect brings in positive as well as negative sides to it. Poor overall compatibility between the spouses is one of the most considerable reasons of divorce. You might also face the same issue with your in-laws. You would, at one time lose all hopes with your in-laws and would think of different escapes. You would feel the family’s negligence towards what way do you like the life. The financial condition of the spouse or his/her obsessiveness towards your earnings is also a kind of circumstance w...