Scientific meaning of Marriage rituals that are followed during North Indian Marriage.

India being a vast country, the marriage rituals vary in different states. If we look at a typical North Indian Marriage , it will be totally different from that in the South but all Indian marriages are celebrated with traditions and lots of fun. Engagement ceremony The engagement is usually exchange of rings by the bride and groom. It is a sort of official announcement of the couple to close relatives and friends who are invite to the ceremony. Muhurta This is a ceremony when the auspicious date and time for the wedding is fixed. It is known as the Muhurta. The astrologers use the date and time of birth of the bride and groom to calculate the position of planets and stars to get a right time so the union of the bride and groom will be a happy one. At the time of this ceremony, the gautra of both the bride and groom is announced. A gautra is the ancestral lineage or original clan (this is not related to caste or religion). In Hindu law, marriages do not...