How Astrology can Greatly Help You in Marriage, Career & Health. Find Out

Marriage on the mind? Five areas where astrology can greatly help! How confident do you feel about taking the step of marriage? Not everything in life is guaranteed and its natural to feel anxious about life after marriage, even if you feel you have found the perfect partner for you. Did you know that astrology can play a critical role in guiding you through this phase of life before and also after marriage? Here are some of the ways this divine science can help you take the best decisions of your life. Are you ready for marriage or not – All about timing! The 7th house of your horoscope is related to marriage. Astrologers can study your natal chart and navamsa charts, to determine whether you are going to have an early marriage, late marriage, abnormally delayed marriage or no marriage at all. Moon, venus and rahu are the natural givers of marriage. The dasha and antardasha lords also trigger the event of marriage. The mathematical calculations of vedic astrolo...