5 Marriage Astrology Secrets: Right Time, Right Person. Right Place, Right Fit, Right Advice.

Marriage to Mr. Right is what Sanjana Varma had been dreaming of all her life! When she got married, she wanted everything to be just RIGHT! Sanjana was a corporate professional in her late twenties, independent and a travel freak. Her parents were supportive and modern, but they also valued Indian traditions. Sanjana felt ready for marriage but was not sure how it was all going to happen. Her best friend advised her to get her horoscope checked by a Vedic astrologer. Astrology!??? Well, ok, let me give it a try, thought Sanjana. She went in for Detailed counselling at Akashvaani In just one session of the kundali analysis Sanjana was blown away by the accurate picture of her life and personality given by the astrologer. It was not blind belief, but she was convinced with the logic and practical explanations behind everything. She acted as per astrological guidance, and in no time, Vedic astrology helped Sanjana get married to the man of her dreams...