What is the best time to get married according astrology

https://www.akashvaani.com/astrology/online-marriage-prediction An individual is of marriageable age and wants to get married and settled down. He would be naturally curious to know the best time for marriage as per Vedic astrology . At such times the birth horoscope is read by an expert astrologer and he can after a study of the birth horoscope tell the individual the best time for marriage . There are various Yogas for determining the exact time of marriage. It needs to be checked if there is a Yoga marriage in the birth horoscope . Only if Yoga for marriage is present, then the astrologer will look for the time for marriage . If Jupiter transits or is in aspect with the 7 th House, the 7 th House Lord, Venus and if there is no bad influence of malefic planets then it is confirmation of marriage for the individual. · The first thing the astrologer would study is if the person will have a marriage in time or there wi...