What is the best time to get married according astrology

An individual is of marriageable age and wants to get married and settled down. He would be naturally curious to know the best time for marriage as per Vedic astrology.   At such times the birth horoscope is read by an expert astrologer and he can after a study of the birth horoscope tell the individual the best time for marriage.

There are various Yogas for determining the exact time of marriage.  It needs to be checked if there is a Yoga marriage in the birth horoscope. Only if Yoga for marriage is present, then the astrologer will look for the time for marriage.

If Jupiter transits or is in aspect with the 7th House, the 7th House Lord, Venus and if there is no bad influence of malefic planets then it is confirmation of marriage for the individual.

·      The first thing the astrologer would study is if the person will have a marriage in time or there will be some delays in it. For understanding this, study of Dasha and Transit of the planets is important.  The study of CharaDasha and VimsottariDasha is supposed to be very helpful in this context.
·      The 7th House and 7th Lord is the most important factor to predict time of marriage by time of birth. It should be known that the presence of Saturn in 7th house or if it is conjunct or  in aspect with 7th Lord or placement in 7th house of Navasma Lagna can lead to any kind of delays in marriage.
·      The 8th House is the nest important House for marriage as it the 2nd House from 7th House and it denotes stability and sustenance of Marriage. The Lord of the 8th House also leads to delay in marriage.
·      The Lord of 7th House of Lagna and Navamsa, planets which are positioned in 7th house of Lagna or Navamsa chart, 2nd and 11th lord can promise marriage during their Dasha and Antardasha.
·      Transit of Jupiter and Saturn also needs to be studied for knowing time of marriage.
·      To know the time of marriage, remember that 7th House, 7th House Lord Venus, 7th House from Venus, Moon and 7th House from Moon and their related planets are important.  The Dasha and Antardasha of these planets are important for marriage. If they are many, then Navamsha chart should be judged and the strongest planet which denotes marriage mostly.

To know time of marriage from Navamsha chart or D-9 chart:
It is essential to check the Navamsha chart also as this chart is the chart for marriages and all secrets of married life can be known through it. So apart from the birth chart do not forget to study the Navamsha chart for time for marriage.

To know time of marriage from VimmsottariDasha:
VImsottariDasha is considered to be e very effective method to get exact time for marriage. Some of the conditions seen are :

·      The Dasha and Antardasha of Rahu are considered important if Rahu is placed in an angle, trine, 3rd or 11th House. If Rahu is running in perfect marriageable age, then it gives marriage in Dasha or Antardasha.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of the 7th Lord from the Lagna (ascendant) or Moon.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of Venus. Venus is considered to be the significator of marriage. So this period of Venus running in marriageable age would give marriage to the individual leven if there is no connection with the 7th, 8th or 11th House.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of the Lord of the Lagna
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of the Lord of the 10th House
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of planets which are positioned in the 7th House from theLagna or the Moon.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of the Lord of the 7th House from the natural karaka of marriage which is Venus.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of planets that are positioned in Lagna (ascendant).
·      The Dasha and Antardasha ofKetu. Usually Ketu would not give time of marriage but if Ketu is placed in the 1st or 7th House the inauspiciousness of the planet doesn’t last and becomes auspicious for marriage. That is why the Dasha and Antardasha ofKetugives marriage.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of the Navamsha chart or the D-9 chart.
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of the 2nd Lord
·      The Dasha and Antardasha of Venus which one would be the strongest.

While in transit Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury get prime focus to get the exact time of marriage. Out of these planets, the planet which will be in angle or trine, that planet decides the time for marriage. But if any malefic planet is found to be influencing the prime planet by respect or co-joining then the marriage is cancelled.

There are many other combinations as per astrology to determine the exact time of marriage. So, it is essential to consult the expert astrologer from our website to get to know more information on best time to get married.

Make sure to consult our expert astrologers at our website.


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