Numerology Compatibility For Happy Married Life in India

Are you in love? Love is a wonderful feeling that changes you for the better. The one you have chosen as your partner seems the best person in the world. You see everything with rose coloured glasses. With time, relationships go through struggles which may alter the nature and strength of the bond. Marriage is a lifetime commitment between two individuals. You may have doubts and concerns about the future compatibility with your partner. With the divorce rates rising, Indian Numerology provides the perfect solution. Numbers can influence your life events. Each number actually denotes each of the nine planets and has special characteristics. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses as a couple helps you make a better decision. The weaknesses can be worked upon if you are willing to make the effort. Name and birth date numerology method is a simple yet effective way. All you have to do is tell the full name and full birth date including month and year to get a detailed analys...