Remedies for Strong Compatibility between couples

A marriage is a lifelong bonding of the husband with the wife. It is a coming together of two souls and bodies for leading a long life fulfilling the various obligations of what is called Grihastashram. The husband and wife lead a harmonious life bringing up their children, leading a peaceful and happy life. In the olden days, matchmaking by elders of both families looked into the social status of the families, economic background and also educational qualifications of the boy and girl. So, they do kundali matching by date of birth and name before marriage, there was less rate of divorce. Today, the world has progressed so much, the boys and girls meet either at the place they study in or at their workplace. They have love marriages where horoscopes are not matched and so there are many differences of opinions between couples. After a certain period of time, they are disappointed with their choice of partners. There are disappointments and frustrations in life. Silly argu...