5 things astrology can tell about your future Husband/wife. Find out

Some people have lot of excitement and curiosity wondering how their spouse is going to be. Another kind of people fear marriage as well, due to the anxiety of how their spouse would be. Whether it is excitement or anxiety, Vedic astrology can satisfy the curiosity with accurate predictions of the future spouse. Let’s take a look at 5 things astrology can tell about your future Husband/wife. How will I find my husband/wife? It is the 7th house and its lord who decide this answer. · Placement of 7th in 11th house, indicates that the spouse would be referred to you by friends and social circles. · Placement of 7th lord in 9th house indicates that you may meet your spouse while pursuing your higher education, in college etc. It also shows that the person may be from a distant place. How will my husband/wife be in character? Venus and Jupiter are the most important planets that ...