5 things astrology can tell about your future Husband/wife. Find out

about your future husband
Some people have lot of excitement and curiosity wondering how their spouse is going to be. Another kind of people fear marriage as well, due to the anxiety of how their spouse would be. Whether it is excitement or anxiety, Vedic astrology can satisfy the curiosity with accurate predictions of the future spouse.
Let’s take a look at 5 things astrology can tell about your future Husband/wife.

How will I find my husband/wife?
It is the 7th house and its lord who decide this answer.
·        Placement of 7th in 11th house, indicates that the spouse would be referred to you by friends and social circles.
·        Placement of 7th lord in 9th house indicates that you may meet your spouse while pursuing your higher education, in college etc. It also shows that the person may be from a distant place.

How will my husband/wife be in character?
Venus and Jupiter are the most important planets that answer this question. Venus is seen to answer questions related to wife and Jupiter is seen in the female marriage horoscope.
·        There is very good emotional bonding and spouses are sensitive and caring, If Jupiter or Venus in Cancer rashi.
·        The spouse will take charge of all crisis and be very dynamic and bold, if Jupiter or Venus in Aries rashi.
·        Influence of the 6th lord can give a cruel spouse
Connection of Venus or Jupiter with 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 9th house lords gives a love marriage prediction.

How will my husband/wife be in looks?
When Venus is placed in the 7th house of the horoscope, there is high chance that the wife will be extremely beautiful

·         Affliction of 7th house and its lord by Mars and Ketu can give a bad looking spouse.

What will be the profession of my spouse?
The 10th house from the 7th needs to be checked for the career of the spouse. Each planet has its own charcateristics and indicates specific jobs.
·        If it is well placed and has auspicious planets, along with some good yogas formed, then spouse can be influential in their career, and have a government job also.
·        Placement of mercury in 10th house from 7th means that spouse will be in accountancy, business, trading 
·         The formation of strong yogas such as Rajyoga and Dhanyoga present indicate that spouse will be rich.

Will my spouse be from my same community?
·        Rahu can also indicate foreign spouse if other planetary factors are helpful but if it is afflicted it can destroy a married life. Rahu in 7th house also indicates inter caste marriage prediction.

Apart from all this, study of thorough placement of planets in Navamsha, D-60, Upapada Lagna, Nakshatra only can give a say in the final result.


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