Top 12 Vastu Tips for Earning Money

Vastu Shashtra is the vedic science of architecture. Vastu is a Sanskrit word which means dwelling. It describes principles of architectural design, layout, measurements and placement. Vastu of a house is all about the energy of that place. Like everything else in the universe, a house also has its own energy, sometimes good and sometimes bad. People living in a positively filled house will hardly ever face any problem related to Vastu. However, there are times a Vastu of the house is affected due to various reasons which creates a negative vibe. A person dwelling in the abode also carries certain energy and is very much affected by the energy of the house. As all of us will agree, house is a part of our identity. It is a place where we relax, meditate, and find solace. Every member of the house does their part to live a happy and prosperous life. Although, there are times when things don’t go as planned and the entire family has to suffer financial problems. Vastu ...