Know About Chances For Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage By Astrology

Vedic astrology can tell you either one will have love marriage or arrange marriage, Let see how we can individually understand about it. Determine the chances of LOVE MARRIAGE:- The expert astrologer shares that one of most important Question they receive is related to Love marriage astrology. According to them, it is depicted in the birth charts that one will have a love marriage. The most important predictor in marriage is:- Venus in 5th House in Boys Chart: In a male chart Venus plays a very important role to get the result of love marriage. As 5th house is Love house, and in a male chart venus is placed in 5th house indicates more chances that he will find a girl as a life partner by himself. Jupiter in 5th house in Girls chart: In a Female chart Jupiter plays a very important role to get the result of love marriage. As 5th house is marriage house, and in a female chart jupiter is placed in 5th house indicates more chances that she will find a boy as a ...