Health Problems are Caused by Different Planets in Astrology

Astrology is vast science, it not only helpful in predicting future, career, and marriage but also help in medical astrology. As you all know there are nine planets as per the astrology and each planet is associated with out body. Medical astrology has deep root with our physical and spiritual aspects. These planet decides what person life would turn out to be. Don’t mistake 9 planets are from solar system, here in astrology sun and moon is also included as planet. Moreover, in Vedic astrology, the distant planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not considered. Also, the earth is also not included in the Vedic Astrology because it is the focus point in the astrology. There are two more planets are included that are Rahu and Ketu, a head and tail of banished demon. Now the question arises, how the medical astrology helps people in solving their health related issues . Kundali is the birth chart , which represents the placement of planets and nakshatra a...