Health Problems are Caused by Different Planets in Astrology

 Health Astrology

Astrology is vast science, it not only helpful in predicting future, career, and marriage but also help in medical astrology. As you all know there are nine planets as per the astrology and each planet is associated with out body. Medical astrology has deep root with our physical and spiritual aspects. These planet decides what person life would turn out to be. Don’t mistake 9 planets are from solar system, here in astrology sun and moon is also included as planet. 

Moreover, in Vedic astrology, the distant planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not considered. Also, the earth is also not included in the Vedic Astrology because it is the focus point in the astrology. There are two more planets are included that are Rahu and Ketu, a head and tail of banished demon. 

Now the question arises, how the medical astrology helps people in solving their health related issues. Kundali is the birth chart, which represents the placement of planets and nakshatra at the time of birth of an individual. The nakshatra is constant in the universe but the planets are moving hence, at the time of birth which planet resides in which nakshatrs describes the health of a person. When any unfavorable transit happens, a person has to suffer from the dasha of the planet that results in health complications. The native only suffer the illness in particular part of the body that is associate with the particular planet. Here are the planets that represents illness in body are:

As I told you each planet rules some part of the body, here sun is main reason behind bones in our body, and also it rules the heart, head, right eye, skin, stomach, and joints. When any dasha arises related to sun then our body party that is associated with sun suffers the problem. Means, a weak Sun in the horoscope chart can give the health issues related to above mentioned body parts. Moreover, an individual may suffer from the mental illness, and high fever during the antardasha of Sun.

Our mind and heart are controlled by the Moon and it rules the lungs, left eye, brain, heart, breast, body fluid, intestine, blood, lymphatic duct, tube feeding, and renal. Distorted moon can also cause lack of intelligence, sleeplessness, issues related to blood, and asthma. Moreover, if any malefic planet is with Moon then it also cause issues linked to diabetes, appendix, cough, menstruation, lung disorder, and vomiting. 

Mangal or mars rules the blood, energy, neck, red blood cells, veins, marrow, genitals, body energy levels, neck, Anal, and Female organs. Distorted mars give the problem to its karaka elements. Moreover, the weak mars can cause the females genital diseases, brain disorders, itching, toxicity, blisters, weak bones, painful eyes, tumor, injuries, blood clotting, and piles.

The chest, skin, nose, nervous system, naval, gall bladder, lungs, arms, face, tongue, and hair comes under the Planet Mercury. Distorted mercury causes the health issues to its karaka body parts. Also, the weak mercury in the birth chart may result typhoid, paralysis, ulcer, dizziness, cholera, seizure, madness etc.  

The karaka of brain, kidney, thighs, liver, fat, lungs, memory, ears, spleen, tongue, etc is Jupiter means Guru. Distressed Jupiter in the birth chart can give health issues related to above mentioned body parts. Moreover, when the Jupiter in the weak in presence of any other planet, it can give diseases associated to ear, memory, diabetes, pancreas, and tongue. 

Face, genitals, urine, body, left eye, semen, luster, throat, glands, and shine comes under the planet Venus. During the dasha and antardasha of the Venus, the native may suffer from the diseases to the mentioned above body parts. Under this dasha, the native is prone to eye disease. However, when Venus is weak in horoscope chart, the native may suffer from throat disease, shine loss, impotency, syphilis, gonorrhea, blood loss, fever, rheumatism, etc. 

Sani, the planet of judgment is Karaka for various body parts such as legs, organs, joints bones, skin, meat, knee,hair, muscles, ears, teeth, etc. If the Saturn is afflicted by another planet in the horoscope chart, it will give the health complications related to its body parts. Physical weakness, stomachache, muscles weakness, organ injury, joint pain, skin disease, rugged hair, mental issue, blindness, deafness, and paralysis are causes by the weak Saturn. 

Lunga, legs, and neck comes under the Rahu planet. Distorted rahu can give an issues like breathing issue, ulcer, and problems in leg, and lungs related problems. It can also cause cancer, blisters, spleen, cataract, and stammer.

The body parts associated with the Ketu planet are Ketu is claws and abdomen, also it gives diseases related to the lungs. When the ketu is afficted in the  chart then the native may suffer from ear issue. Intestine problem, stomachache, eye disorder, brain disorder and physical weakness. Sometimes, it also gives the diseases that cannot be determined by the medical science.


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