Astrology tells how to avoid divorce in a married life

Marriage is an enduring relation with lots of responsibilities. It brings a major change in your life. These changes can be good or bad as well. Sometimes the changes are very weird that the person decides to get separate. This leads to the most unwanted aspect of married life called ‘Divorce’. Here are few facts for consideration to avoid divorce in astrology.

What are the circumstances responsible for a divorce in astrology?
There are different aspects of married life. Each aspect brings in positive as well as negative sides to it. Poor overall compatibility between the spouses is one of the most considerable reasons of divorce. You might also face the same issue with your in-laws. You would, at one time lose all hopes with your in-laws and would think of different escapes. You would feel the family’s negligence towards what way do you like  the life. The financial condition of the spouse or his/her obsessiveness towards your earnings is also a kind of circumstance where a person would think about divorce.

What planets are responsible for different circumstances in your life?
Divorce is an unwanted aspect of marriage. The 7th house of your planet chart depicts the marital as well as partnership aspects of your life. The lord of 7th house and the planet residing in the 7th house plays an important role in the determination of marital aspects. A malefic planet in the 7th house indicates problems in the married life. Rahu in the 7th house may show that you aren’t satisfied with your present spouse and would look for another person in your life as per divorce in marriage astrology.

Also, the lord of 7th house residing in an enemy house would depict problems in the married life. For example, a person of libra ascendant would have aries in 7th house. The lord of 7th house becomes Mars. If Mars is residing in the 12th house which represent separation then the person would face difficulties in his/her marriage. He/she may also find ways to get seperated from the spouse according to divorce prediction.  

What shows the possibilities of a divorce in your life?
First of all, when Saturn is in the 7th house, it shows that the native should marry at the age later than 34 years. Another case when Ketu resides in the 7th house, it shows that the person is done with the aspect of marriage already in the past life. The person tends to never marry in life. Other than this, Venus and Sun in 2nd, 4th, 7th or 9th house also shows clearly that the individual might land up asking for a divorce. According to divorce in astrology, the above said combinations might lead to divorce. Mars can also can trigger a divorce as it would make you acidulous speaker which would lead to fights and arguments. 

What facts to consider to avoid divorce in astrology?
Ashtakoot Guna Milan is an important tool to test the future compatibility of you with your expected spouse. It test you and your expected spouse’s compatibility in eight subjects. These eight subjects are said to cover all the aspects of your married life. These subjects are Society class, mutual attraction, futurism, sexual life, mentality, behavior, health and genes/progeny. A good score in this test approves of a good married life. Divorce prediction is not done through this. This test is used to guide an individual to a successful married life. A good score especially in the mentality, attraction and behavior section of the test can assure you a good marriage to. Some planets may show how mature or cognitive the person is. Make sure that the person is mature and is expressive.

Remedies for Divorce according to astrology for divorce prediction:
     Chant “Om Vijaysundari Kleem” 1000 times each day for 7 days.
     Chant Mahamrityunjay mantra everyday as much as possible
     Worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati for  peaceful married life.
     Do remember your Kul Devta and Kul Devi everyday in the morning.  
     Immerse 250 grams of coal in running water on Saturday.


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