Astrological Prediction for Love Marriage and Relationship

Soul Mate!  Well, we all believe in this word and we all want to meet our soul mate. No matter at what age we are, having a trusted partner for a life time is a real struggle. Sometimes we come across people who seem to be perfect but with time we find so difficult to be with them. It can be for any reason lack of love, respect, honesty, financial issues and many more.

Love Marriage Astrology

Throughout our lives, we keep searching for that one person who can make us complete. We keep thinking and look for different ways to make our relationship workout some times its a success and many times its a failed affair.

Oh yes! We don’t need any man or women to complete us but at the end we all are human beings and who doesn’t like to be with that one person who makes our world easier and loving.  Finding that particular person is certainly a challenge specially in today’s time when we are surrounded with people who are good in many things except their value system.

So, let’s ask Astrology to do that search for us .Wondering how! 

‘Astrology’ to find your soul mate

Well, never underestimate the power of  Hindu Astrology in searching your soul mate.
Vedic Astrology, is a science as we all know and based on this scientific subject one can very well find our match made in heaven! Vedic marriage astrology helps individuals to find their right match through the help of birth chart. This birth chart is prepared from your date of birth, place & time of birth. By studying the birth chart in depth the marriage astrologer will predict about the planets, their nature, positions, strength, weakness, obstacles and time of getting the right match.

Marriage Astrologers are experts in predicting the nature of your marriage; love or arrange marriage, time of marriage, location of marriage, kind of qualities the partner would have, financial status of the partner. They will predict more deeper compatibilities like mental and physical chemistry  between two partners, how well the sexual relationship contribute to the marriage, how many kids the partner might decide or whether there will have children of their own.

Based on the horoscope one can know many things infarct about inter-cast or religion marriage. Will it be successful, should one proceed with the current relationship, or should one make changes.

After reading the above, am sure you must be wondering who and where such experts are available.

At  we have more than decade old astrologers who are experts in marriage. They have been successful in getting many partners celebrate 50 years of anniversary. They are well versed with the subject and by studying the planetary positions of your horoscope, they will give predictions as well remedies for a successful marriage.

 About the Remedies for a Successful marriage.

This includes horoscope matching or Kundali Matching. Kundali matching is a very spiritual and most important aspect of marriage whether its love or arrange. This is a formula used specially in India to know all the aspects related to marriage i.e to make use of the planets to find the best.
Online Kundali Matching
Marriage Kundali Matching
It is always advice the family as well to friends to get the Janam Kundali match as a precautionary measures before the journey begins. Many times there are f obstacles due to planets that are dis-positional, our expert astrologers will find solutions and suggest remedies to get over the problem.

They also read the Karmic connection with regard to marriage. It is very important to know the karmic bonds between two individual before marriage so that the future generation is not affected.

Apart from the above there many things one can know from the Kundali matching process;
*Longevity of the marriage
*Quality of the marriage
*Delay in marriage for singles
* Will the spouse be working or into business ?
* What kind of family will he or she will belong ?
* Explanation and importance of Horoscope matching
* Mental and Physical compatibility
* Location of the wedding

Also there will be recommendations from the astrologers who would help you to get the best. Try the online love and relationship matching segment or get in touch with our experts at Akashvaani and see the difference it will create in your relationship.

Remember 70 % of our lives are governed by the quality of our relationship.


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