Choose The Right Career Options With Help Of Astrology

Get The Right Career Options With Help Of Career

·         Worried of not finding the right career graph despite of putting all efforts?

·         Not Satisfied with the work you are doing?

·         Always feel something else is for you?

Have these questions in mind when at your workplace, then it might be that you are at entirely wrong place. It is the point you should read this and you will get what you are looking for.

Believe it or not believe astrology has solutions to all those who have come up with the confusion they are facing, it is the way to get the answers which remain answered. Not only marriages are explained the directions of planets and zodiac signs but also which career and jobs will be best suitable as per your planetary positions.

So, be it students who are looking to go for new career option or individual who are looking for the new job ventures that will help them to move forward. So astrology can be helpful for you. As it is said that one wrong decision will end in complicating everything, same happens when one doesn’t opt for right the right career option then they will fail..

Astrology with the help of planets and charts tells the individual that by choosing which profession they will get success and help to grow. Today, every second person is looking for the prediction of career from expert astrologer, who will bring them out of confusion and guide them to right path.

career astrology

In our birth chart or kundli everything is explained, if we see there are different charts allotted to different houses,

·         like the 10th house indicate career, so astrologer study this to decide which career will suit the individual,

·         with this the surrounding houses which are important to notice like 2nd house is for profit, 11th indicate the earning and 7th is for partnership, so they all together mix and match up to form were your carrier will go.

·         This also helps to identify that one will go for job or business.

The various planets which helps to identify which career will be there for you and support you.

·         If sun is placed in 10th house ( also known as karma place ): the individual tend to move towards government and authoritative jobs like administrative jobs, ministers, consultants, dealer of jewels.

·         If Moon is placed in 10th house or karma place : the individuals in this have a job that in some or other way serves other like navy man, dealers of sea things, nurses etc.

·         When Mars is viewed in the 10th house: Mars is termed as the planet of creativity and physical labour, jobs like be in police officer, sportsperson, army man and such other occupation.

·         When Mercury is placed in your 10th house: under this the influence on individual, they seem to look for jobs like bank officers, PRO, Poets,etc, they have the  spirit of doing something special. So, if you feel like intended towards these career then you can understand your planet is affected by mercury.

·         Jupiter or commonly as the guru have the influence on 10th house then: Individuals with effect have inclination toward the career which intend to have interest in study or teaching. Like teachers, professor saint, monk or anyone who tend to inclination towards preaching.

·         Venus or known as Shukra in 10th house: venus is always linked to beauty or attraction, so generally individuals with this trait look forward to work in entertainment industry like actresses, models, designers, cosmetic persons. Under this generally women are considered who have these jobs.
·         Saturn which is in astrological language also known as shani in 10th house: Individuals are said to get high amount of success in career front if they are into oil and mining industry, jobs which are preferred are oil business, alcohal dealer, deals in medicines or have tea plants.

·         Rahu or by some astrologer suggest dragon head in astrology: the individual with this planetary effect have best interest for circus man,  wireless worker, travelling. The person look forward for the wonder jobs.

·         Ketu or the astrologers also suggest dragon tail in 10th house: It is said that the person who has been affected by this planet goes with job like para science researcher, etc jobs.
online career astrology

The above given are different planets which explains that when they are positioned in 10th house which is for career then how the choices of individual differ.  These planets and position also explain that whether individual will work as self-employed or in job. It is said that choosing the field according to planets placement lead to:

     1. Happy and successful career life.

      2. Save and time which will be wasted in wrong field,

      3.  Get the job that the individual will like and provide their hundred percent.

       4.  Astrology helps to get the right career option where you can grow and do well.

Many of the astrologers say that nowadays not only old generation but also youth are coming up to make sure they take right advice and then select the career. The astrologers suggest that in day the curious youth comes with this question that which career is best for me according to astrology

The five prime things which a client sees in the astrologer is that:
  1. The astrologer is experienced and suggests reliable answers.
  2. The answer should be such that the person gets convinced.
  3. If there is any type of remedies offered then they must be easy to perform.
  4.   Most important they should make the seeker comfortable that everything can get fine.
  5. The individual comes with lot of confusion and query and when they go out they have sigh of relief.

So, if you or your any near or dear one is fixed between the choices that what they should select as the career then, it is the point to visit experts of Akashvaani, here you will get the guidance of the expert astrologer. We are the team of experts who have knowledge of various division of astrology, and our best career astrologer knows that what solutions and queries should be provided to the individuals who are confused to select the right type of career.


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