34 Years old and Single, How astrology can explain that and any suggestions.

34 Years old and Single, How astrology can explain that and any suggestions.
34 Years old and Single, How astrology can explain that and any suggestions.

Marriage is very important life event for everyone. There is time for everything. Like that marriage also will happen at the right time. If your marriage is not happening even at the age of 34, you should consult an astrologer. He will check your Janam Kundli and will tell you the reason. Delayed marriage will cause due to some planet placement in your astrology Kundli.

If you haven’t made a Kundli yet, there are Kundli maker sites online. Make one from any of online Kundli generator sites. When an astrologer checks your marriage Kundli if he sees any problem, then recommends you follow some procedures to get rid of those problems. Main planets that responsible for marriage problems are Venus and Jupiter are planets. These two planets are responsible for the delay in your marriage. The position of these two planets is responsible for many problems.

Role of Venus
Venus is known as the planet responsible for love and relationship. When Venus encounters evil planets like Rahu, Ketu, Sun, etc. The energy of Venus will reduce and may lead to late marriage.

Role of Jupiter
Jupiter is very important in your life. It controls marriage, wealth, children, fortune and knowledge. When it under combustion, weakened and retrograded that leads to delay in marriage.

Role of Sun

If the sun is placed in 7th house of your birth chart, then it will also cause a delay in marriage and will create problems in marriage life.

Role of Saturn

Saturn is the planet that teaches many lessons in your life. If Saturn is placed in 7th house, then it may cause problems related to marriage. Even if Saturn sits with Venus or Jupiter, the result will be same. 7th house is also responsible for an individual’s marriage. The planet which occupies in the 7th house decides an individual’s time for marriage.

Role of Mars
If Mars sits on the 7th house, then it may delay marriage or will create a problem in marriage life. Mars is the planet that causes a quarrel. The person with mars on the 7th house should marry before the age of 28. Otherwise, it will create a delay in marriage.

Role of Rahu

If Rahu sits on the 7th house, then the person will marry early. Rahu is the planet of illusion, and as soon as the effect of Rahu goes, it will create problems in their married life.

Role of Ketu

Ketu is not interested in materialistic life. It is a planet that stays away from the materialistic world. If Ketu sits at 7th house, then the individual will not be interested in marriage life.
These are some common problems that cause a delay in marriage. You can get in touch with an astrologer who does Kundli prediction to know your problems and its solutions.

Astrological solutions for marriage delay

Reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily will help you with the delay in marriage. You can visit Hanuman temple and worship him.

If the problem that causes delay is Mars, then it will Manglik Dosha. You can worship and offer pooja for Mars to avoid this problem.
Monday fasting is very effective to get rid of marriage delay. Worship Lord Shiva and Parvathi to take happen your marriage.

Swayamvara Archana on every Friday to Goddess Durga or Parvathy will give you a good result. You should do this every Friday.

You can wear Gemstones to get rid of all doshas that affect your marriage.


These are some most common solution for all your problems. But the main thing is that analyze your Kundli horoscope and offer prayers to the planet that causes problems in your family life. Kundli Milan by name is also a popular option you can check before marriage. You can check name match of both couples online. Before marriage, an individual should check for Kundli match otherwise the future life will not be happy.

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