Kundali Matching Tells How Religious Would your Spouse be?
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Kundali matching
Religious faith had undoubtedly emerged way before its word. It has been the strength of many and a weakness too. In the contemporary world also, religious faith is instilled in a major part of world’s population. When it comes to spending a larger part of your life with a person after marriage this faith may become vulnerable to many things with respect to the compatibility of the couple. Let’s have a look how Kundali matching helps us with this.
There are scenarios when you have different levels of faith in the religion and that might fluctuate according to different events in life. Your perspective about a religion tends to modify itself when you include a person in your life or vice versa. According to Kundali matching, your spouse for a stance might be highly inclined towards a religious faith but you, on the other hand, would naturally find difficult to cope or would find it amazing. Here, for Kundali Milan, we figured a pattern of planets and their combinations that might as well put a light on whether your spouse is inclined towards religious faiths.
Role of planets in houses as per Kundali Milan for religious faith:
The spirituality of a person in astrology is determined by the position of Jupiter in the planet chart. His/her religiousness depends upon how the benefit is Jupiter posited in the planet chart. The main reason for this determination from the position of Jupiter is that this planet is the biggest planet in the cosmos. It affects human with more intensity than any other planet. In your Janam Kundali Jupiter has the significance of your knowledge and study. This further represents your approach towards your education.
A position of Jupiter in native planet chart:
Suppose you have Jupiter in 5th house of your janam kundali. It would denote that the native intends to follow a religion with prescribed ethics. He/she projects an inclination towards a religious subject. They will expect and seek to attain spiritual peace through meditation and thinking things deeply. If Jupiter is placed inauspiciously in the 5th house then the native would have to deal with negativity and mental instability.
The position of Jupiter in spouse related houses:
From Kundali prediction of the native’s planet chart, we consider fifth house from the house of spouse i.e. the 7th house. 5th house from the 7th house is 11th house. Jupiter in native’s 11th house depicts the presence of a religious element in spouse’s nature. The auspicious position of the planet Jupiter again is a deciding factor in this determination. Like the case of inauspiciousness in native’s chart, here also the malefic position of Jupiter would make the spouse pessimist and narrow-minded. He/she would hesitate reading/collecting any type of information/knowledge.
Role of Yogas in the determination of spirituality of a person:
Any kind of yoga occurring in the planet chart determines a native’s personal qualities and the degrees of intensities of events or missions in life. Yoga is simply the combination/conjunction of two or more planets within the certain degree to each other. The yoga in marriage kundali that determines a person’s spirituality or his/her religious faiths is a combination of four or more planets in a single house. A native of this yoga thinks spiritually towards anything that he/she comes across.
For example, he/she shopping at a mall would be also keeping in mind what is the purpose of living or what for are we indulged in this material life or we all are habitual of riches. He/she would meditate, pray or would read a book on Lord Buddha with a lot of interest. This yoga is strongest when in Moksha triangle, dharma trikone or specifically the 10th house. This yoga depicts that all your chakras are awakened and you are least into any kind of material lust.
Another yoga that influences a person towards spirituality is when planet lord of 9th house and the planet lord of 10th house are conjunct together in one house. This yoga is called Dharma Karma Adhpati Yoga. This yoga becomes stronger when conjunct in 9th or 10th house.
Spouse’s spirituality from Yogas:
When any of this Yoga is formed in 3rd or 4th house of native then the spouse would be a spiritual or religious person. These houses if keenly observed are the 9th and 10th house from the house of partnership/marriage.