Planetary Combinations Good For A Political Career

Not all can adapt politics as a career. Only few have the ability to be selfless, expressive and available enough to the public. Time and events in the past have been evident about the reliability of political personalities on political astrology. They keenly track their planets in the Janam kundali and take each step in their political life accordingly. Here are some of the most prevalent planetary combinations that astrology can predict just through the analysis of the birth chart if you could become a politician or not. 

Depiction of a politician native from the ascendant signs:
The first factor that would show a politician is his/her straightforwardness. He/she would be expected to not hesitate saying anything. Only then people would consider his/her words truthful and effective. The planets Mars and Mercury rule your speech and Sun rules your self esteem. These planets rule the fiery and watery zodiac signs Leo, Scorpio, Aries and Gemini. Most of the time, according to political astrology, natives of these ascendants would be politicians.

What planetary position shows your political career?
Beside the zodiac signs, a much more reliable depiction of political career is shown by the planets in the janam kundali. Politics also show governance so an exalted or benefic planet in the 10th house clearly shows a government concerned profession.
Another considerable planetary position is the presence of a Raj Yoga. These Raj Yogas are to be seen according to the sidereal vedic astrology. To see the Raj Yogas in your Janam Kundali, you need to look for the presence of combinations of different Karakas.

Do you have Raj Yoga in your Janam Kundali?
Amatyakaraka and Atmakaraka is one of the most important Karaka that represent Raj Yoga. Another Raj Yoga significator is the combination of Amatya Karaka and Dhara Karaka. Next to these two combinations is Atmakaraka along with the 5th lord. Followed by the combination of Atmakaraka and Putra Karaka. For you to be a politician these combinations are mandatorily required in the D1 chart i.e. your birth chart. More importantly, your Raj Yoga is seen more strong if your D9 chart i.e. your Navamsha chart contains these Karakas. This was the bases of career prediction of a person for a political career.

Why do you have a feeling of being a politician?
There are few reasons for why you want to be a politician. Out of those reasons the one main reason is either you want to serve and bring a positive change in the society or you are overly power and money acquisitive. A slightly malefic Saturn in 3rd house makes you a selfish business person. This in combination of a Raj Yoga would deem you  a power and money acquisitive politician. Also, Sun in 6th house shows that you want to serve people or a government. 
Other than this is the value of Astha Varga for Saturn in 6th or the 11th house. More the Astha Varga points more are the chances to be a successful politician. This is because 6th and 11th house represents your ability to get votes and the achievements you would attain respectively. You need a high Astha Varga score in these houses.
How your 10th house contributes to being a politician?
 Your 10th house represents your self-esteem, profession and reputation. The presence of benefic planets in this house give you a good reputation and social status. This house also represents the proverb that says,”as you sow, so shall you reap”. It is your Karmic Bhava.. Therefore be careful with what you do in life. Your planets have a watch over you. 



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