Direction of Future Spouse and Settlement After Marriage

Marriage Prediction
Every parent who is looking at a match for their son or daughter, wants nothing but the best in terms of the life partner. To achieve this with perfection, they go for kundali matching and nowadays online marriage prediction are also easily available.  In an arranged marriage, there are many important criteria such as the age, education, occupation, family background, financial status etc before the prospective partners are shortlisted When the son or daughter do not opt for an arranged marriage and bring someone of their own liking, the above criteria does not hold importance, as the selection is already done, based on their personal preference. However, in both cases, parents would have the wish to know if their son or daughter would be moving close to them or away from them after marriage. This is a query that some people are curious to know at a very early stage even before the timing of marriage. This query again falls into the realm of the unknown, and only astrology can give an answer to this question.

The birth chart of an individual, is also a roadmap of their life, and can help to answer many questions about their life and the movement they make within the country or outside. It can pinpoint where they would buy property and where they have chances to settle down in life. Astrologers consult both the janam kundali as well as the divisional charts to come to precise predictions for such queries in astrology. Let us take a look at the process for determining the direction one would go after marriage and direction where one’s spouse would come from.

The 7th house in one’s chart signifies marriage. All queries related to marriage and one’s spouse can be answered by analyzing this particular house. The planets placed in this house, whether malefic or benefic, their positioning etc., give insights about the future.

What direction will one’s spouse come from?
The signs and planets represent specific directions in astrology. These need to be analyzed to make some conclusions regarding the direction one would shift to after marriage.To determine the direction that one may move after marriage, the direction indicated by the strongest planet in the 7th house can be the direction of spouse in astrology.
      One must also check the sign which is rising in 7th house and the direction indicated by this sign.
      The sign where 7th lord is placed and the direction indicated by this sign is important
      The sign where Venus is posited also give clues to direction of spouse and where one may move after marriage.
The strongest among these three can indicate marriage direction astrology
The direction which will be seen in majority of the cases or which prevails the most, will indicate future spouse direction in vedic astrology.
Will one live near one’s birth place or move away after marriage?
The rashis in astrology or zodiac signs are divided into three distinct categories. They are movable signs, fixed signs and dual signs
      Move away after marriage: The Chara Rasi or Movable signs are- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – Those under this rashi have the possibility of moving long distance, foreign settlement etc. One can check the sign in 7th house and if its movable sign, the person is predicted to move away from parents after marriage.

      Move near one’s hometown: The Sthira Rasi or Fixed Signs are-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aqurius - Fixed signs indicate marriage in near own Place like in same city or area.

      Moving medium distance - The Dual signs are- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – they indicate medium distance marriage.

These are not the only factors responsible. Astrology calculates many factors and an expert astrologer can collaborate them all together to give one information on the direction where one’s spouse will come from as well as the direction one would move after marriage.

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