Will your business partnership be a success? Vedic astrology can reveal the truth

Business Partnership be a success
There are different ways of getting into a business. You can go in for a sole proprietorship or you can even have a partnership. Getting into a business and making it successful is not an easy task for anyone. It requires all the right ingredieqnts to become a success. Many businesses are started by partnering with other people who may be of the same mindset, and who may become partners with you. Also, they may be contributing time and money into your business venture, and therefore you would have a close business relationship.

There are many cases where partnership has failed, due to money, ego, and even fraud. Every partnership that involves doing business together, has to be evaluated very carefully before one can go forward. The negative energies and fortune of your partner can lessen your chances of a bright future in the business also. Therefore, it is important to check what your chart reveals about your luck with business and most important business partnership!

Can astrology help in letting you know about success of your business partnership? Most definitely it can!
The 7th house of one’s chart is the most important one to check for business. The 7th house indicates partnership – this would be partnership through marriage prediction and also through business.
Steps to check if partnership is good or not.
·       Firstly, the astrologers would focus on the 7th house of the kundali. They would look at which planets are placed in this house of partnerships. There are planets which give very good results in partnerships like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon and others like Shani, Rahu and Ketu can give bad results in general

·       But having one of the enemic planets doesn’t mean it will be a failed partnership. We should also look at the strength of the planet – a weak planet, which is not well-placed, even though enemic cannot do much harm. 

·       The position of the planets and the rashis in the bhagya sthan, labh sthan, dhan sthan are all checked and correlated to see if there will be inflow of fortune, gains and money.

·       Further when the planets are in the rashis which are friendly to them, the partnership results are favourable for example Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius are friends, while Mars in Aries are enemic to each other, and will not give a good result.

·       If the 7th house is blessed with good and strong planets, one can confidently partner, else those with enemy planets must reconsider the decision of partnership.

How to check type of business to choose in partnership?
Each of the different planets are again indicative of specific businesses. You can study which planet falls into the 7th house of your janam kundali and then decide on which type of business to choose for partnership.

·      If one has Venus in 7th house one can choose high-end businesses that deal in luxury products -  hotels, restaurants, car dealerships, cosmetics etc
·       If one has Mars in 7th house, you can partner for businesses that deal in building materials, land purchases, food products like spicy masalas etc
·      If one has Saturn in the 7th house, you can partner for businesses like gas agency, petrol pumps, coal mines, iron, cranes etc
·      If one has Mercury in the 7th house, you can partner for consultancy services with a good result. 
·      If one has moon in the 7th house, you can partner for businesses dealing with diary, fruits, milk or white liquid articles.

Remedies for business partnerships can depend on the planet in the 7th house – accordingly, one has to select the gemstone and also chant the specific planet’s mantra to change its influence for the better.So, take the help of astrology to find out whether your business partnership will be a success, what type of businesses to choose and then go in for the best prospects in business.


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