Kundali Matching Can Remove all Marriage Risks – Astrology Explains

Kundali Matching by Date of birth
Kundali matching or matching of the horoscopes of the prospective partners before marriage can give vital clues regarding the duration or longevity of the marriage.

Marriage is a sacred institution and it’s also a once in a lifetime commitment for everyone. A lot of forethought goes into selecting the right partner and ensuring that the bond is forever. Can anything be predicted about the outcome of marriages beforehand? Logically it’s not possible. Unless you marry someone and start living with them, the outcome cannot be understood. However, there is a glimpse of the future and an answer to this question in astrology.

Astrology can predict the longevity of a marriage. For this, many people first evaluate the janam kundali of the respective partners. They also try to look up online kundali matching which is available nowadays, as well as try and get online marriage predictions between two people with calculations based on the birth date, time and location.

The Ashtakoot guna milan
which is done, gives a compatibility score based on various factors of both the male and female horoscopes. A score of above 18 out of 36 is considered as good compatibility and this system is usually one of the main factors to decide the longevity of marriage.
The personality of a person is judged from their 1st house and it reflects their personality and

The 7th house of one’s kundali deals with marriage prediction. Any problem with this house, such as the aspect of Shani or Mars, placement of rahu and ketu and other malefic planets can give issues in marriage, one of which could be affecting the longevity and leading to separation. Further, in the detailed charts like Navamsha chart also, if the astrologer finds an issue with the 7th house, clashes is certain in the marriage.

Kundali matching can avoid following problems that affect longevity of marriage
·     Short or long duration: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the main planets for calculating longevity of marriage. Their positioning and strength can indicate if marriage will be short or long.

·     Domestic troubles: The 2nd and 7th houses in auspicious and strong positions signifies a long duration marriage. A strongly placed 2nd lord assures good family life. A debilitated planet in the 2nd house denies or creates trouble in family life. 2nd house and 7th house are inter connected. 2nd house represents family and 7th house represents spouse. 

·     Divorce/Separation: The 8th and 12th house are related to divorce and separations. Not looking at these houses during kundali matching is a risk for divorce and separation possibilities.

·     Obstacle in marriage: Position of planet Venus and its relation with Sun is important. If they are placed together in any one house among 2nd, 4th, 7th and 9th then it is very clear that issues will occur

·    Conflicts and Disputes: If Mars is present in the 1st or in 7th house then it brings quarrels and disputes among the couple.

·      Mistrust: If Saturn is associated with any one of the house 1st and 7th then the partners will remain suspicious about each other.

·     Lack of bonding: If Ketu is present in any marriage related house, then the couple will not have a good bonding among them.

Risks without kundali matching

A lot of risks can be faced if one does not go for kundali matching. Sometimes couples do not have any chemistry with each other, leading to a loveless marriage. Whether you and your partner have good emotional bonding and can enjoy a good friendship, whether couples have ability to communicate and face challenges together, whether there would be any misfortunes or issue/challenges as a result of the marriage, can all be known through kundali matchingSo, kundali matching affects the success of marriage directly, and should be the essential first step before marriage finalization.

Referral Link: https://www.prokerala.com/astrology/kundali-matching/


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