Vedic Astrology and its Role in Second Marriage

vedic astrology

Second marriage is nowadays becoming more and more common. There is no taboo associated with second marriage as it used to be earlier in society. The advent of the internet age also makes it easy for people to check out a number of profiles of suitable life partners, with an opportunity to meet and take the relationship forward. Finding a 2nd life partner therefore is much easier than before and can be done discreetly as well. However, not every second marriage can happen as planned. Sometimes inspite of young age, good looks, good financial standing and social status etc., it still becomes very difficult for a person to remarry the second time.

A good Vedic astrologer can look for specific signs in one’s chart that indicate a smooth and successful second marriage.

Therefore, it is very important to take a look at one’s birth chart and defer or take immediate action regarding plans for a second marriage. Second marriages are usually done with a lot more caution and emotional stakes are high. Therefore, it is very practical to look at revelations from Vedic astrology, and plan the next steps in life.

Steps that indicate first marriage break-up

       It is the 7th house in one’s janma kundali that is the significator of marriage prediction. Any affliction to 7th house and its lord is indication that the first marriage of the person may suffer. Malefic planets like Mars, Sun, Rahu etc. in 7th house are detrimental for good married life.
      The next House which we need to see is the 8th house. 8th being the second from 7th, it indicates the sustenance of marriage. If there is affliction to the 8th house as well as to the 8th lord, marriages can break. Planets Like Mars, Rahu, Saturn etc. in 8th house are capable of ending a marriage.
       If there is affliction to the 7th house in Navamsa chart also, there is high chance of breaking the first marriage. If malefics like Rahu-Ketu is placed in the 1-7 house of Navamsa, the chances of divorce increases to a great extent.

Some of the signs that indicate a second marriage are as follows:

Dual sign rising in the 7th house
7th lord placed in dual sign, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Venus in dual sign
Placement of more than 2 planets in the 11th house
Influence of malefic planets on the 7th house or 7th lord

What is the time period for 2nd marriage to take place?

Second marriage can take place during the dasha of the 9th lord or dasha of planets related to the 9th house or lord. Second marriage can take place during the dasha of the 3rd lord or dasha of planets related to the 3rd house or lord.

In general, one must take care of the vastu or placement of things in one house, and correct the energy flow, to give all round positivity and progress. One must ensure that the pitrus or ancestors are pleased by performing the yearly pitru pooja, with the help of a pandit. As per Hinduism, it is the blessings of our ancestors that continue the lineage of the family and give prosperity. 
Once these two aspects are taken care of, for each specific case, the astrologer may provide specific mantras, deities and days of worship, specific colours to wear, temples to visit on specific days, specific daan or charity to be performed etc.

Some of the general remedies that are said to be very auspicious and bear fruit are: 

Read Aditya Hriday Stotram daily. It is applicable for both the male and female.
Read Sundarakand if you have Mangal Dosh in the janam kundali.
Gemstones such as Yellow Sapphire for girls, diamonds for boys are recommended, but needs an expert opinion first. 

You can use red coral if you have Mangal Dosh.

2nd marriage can be therefore be a reality and a smooth one can be a reality through the help of Vedic astrology.


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