Should You be Worried that Marriage is getting Delayed or not? Astrology Explains

marriage is getting delayed
marriage is getting delayed
Delay is inevitable in life – man proposes and god disposes goes a popular saying. Many times we face this issue in our daily lives when what we want keeps getting delayed. This can sometimes affect other parts of our life also. Delay in getting a job, delay in buying property, delay or breaks in education etc are all concerns that can cause tension and worry. However, it is the delay in marriage that makes an individual really concerned as it has effects and consequences on many things such as children, domestic life decisions etc. The biological clock of a person, especially in the case of women also have a certain time window when it is naturally easier to conceive children as well. Men also have their own sets of challenges if they cross a certain age limit.

So, what is the age that can be considered as normal and what can be considered as delayed?

As a general rule, and keeping in mind the modern society, we can classify it as such:

1.  Early Marriage – Before 22 years
2. Normal Marriage – 23 to 26 years
3. Late Marriage – 27 to 30 years
4. Delayed Marriage – 31 to 33 years
5. Denial of Marriage –34 years & beyond

In other words, if you have crossed 30, astrologers consider it as a case of delayed marriage.

Let us look at the causes for delayed marriage:

7th house position

If planets such as Saturn and Mars are in one’s lagna or 7th house, delay of marriage is possible. Venus and moon are both important planets for marriage. If they are afflicted, it does not give a good result. Similarly, the presence of any malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu etc also puts a problematic front for marriage.

Influence of Saturn: The aspect of Saturn or shani is very important and affects marriage. If Saturn is sitting in the lagna or 7th house of marriage, delay is possible. Also, if it is aspecting the lagna lord or 7th lord, again delay comes.

When is marriage delay NOT a cause of worry?

If position of venus is afflicted only in one place, but position is good in navamsha and lagna lord, then there is no cause of worry.

The absence of any negative yogas of marriage, such as venus in papakaratri yoga also means one need not worry

Good and strong positions for venus, moon and rahu indicate that they being the natural givers of marriage will ultimately make marriage happen at the right time

If Saturn is a yoga karaka, then its position anywhere in the horoscope matching will not affect marriage. It will only be beneficial even if delayed.

Absence of malefic planets in 7th and 12th house can be taken as a good sign that future of marriage chances are good

Given the correct dasha and transit of benefic planets, marriage timing can definitely be calculated, even if it is delayed.

The overall good influence of Jupiter makes the horoscope graceful and positive towards marriage. Dasha of natural karakas, namely, Venus, Rahu & Moon can bring in marriage quickly.

Remedies through gemstone therapy, chanting of appropriate navagraha stotras and removing manglik dosha severity can be done regularly until the correct timing for marriage naturally occurs in the marriage chart.

Therefore, marriage getting delayed need not cause worry. Online expert astrologer can easily check the chart to see whether it is a temporary phase with a positive result or whether it is a more permanent possibility of no marriage.

Take the help of astrology for peace of mind regarding your chances of marriage!

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