Which types of Business is More suitable for me

A person prefers doing business over a job as he will have more time and money freedom. But, the most difficult problem faced by a person is when he wants to start own business and which is the right business for him. Decision making is very difficult at such times.
This is the time to take help of career astrology by date of birth. We need to study the conditions and combination of planets before starting business. Sometimes, we hear of someone not being successful in a particular business but on changing of the field of business, he is a total success. This is because career prediction was not taken into account.
The Houses that need to be analysed for the running of a business are 2nd House, 7th House and 9th House. If the planetary conditions in these Houses are good and the ascendant is supported in the 10th House, it shows that the individual would have his own business. The stronger the House, the business will be more profitable.
Mercury is the planet that rules the business source. If strong Mercury is found in the 2nd,7th,10th or 11th House or is connected to the Lord of the 2nd, 9th or 10th House in the horoscope, the person shows inclination of owning his own business.
If the 2nd House has malefic planets in it, then the person may own a small business or not anything at all. If Mercury is benefic and 2nd House is in ascendant, then chances of the person starting business at a young age are present.
The planets have to be strong in the above mentioned Houses to decide the best option for the business as per career prediction.  Let’s have a look at what each Planet tells you in terms of business as per career astrologyby date of birth :

·           Business related to Government
·           Export import business
·           Business in Gold
·           Businesses related to power and energy, clothes, medicines, plants
·            Food grains related business
·            Any business that gives status and fame.

·           Business dealing in milk, hot and soft drinks, water and silver
·           Tours and travels
·           Readymade garments business
·           Toys, nursery, farm related business
·           Seasonal business
·           Transportation
·           Salt, silk and polyester clothes
·           Any type of designing, writing, art
·           Any child related education and doctors.

·           Business that requires hard work
·           Machinery
·           Electrics and electronics
·           Business in Gold, chemicals, farming, fertilizer, pesticides
·           Defence, surgery
·           Vehicles, spare parts business
·           Maintenance of equipment, sports equipment
·           Adventure related business
·           Fuel and mine related business.

·           Consultancy business
·           Any business in relation to education, media and film industry
·           Business in relation to advertising, transport, publishing, selling books
·           Silver related business
·           Business in all types of grains, vegetables and fruits
·           Business in stocks, commodities, finance and law
·           Any business related to call centres and telephones
·           Public relations and paper business.

·           Business where you are a leader having religious rituals, products and works with many followers
·           Hotel, Motel and restaurant business
·           Educational and NGO business
·           Any business with any type of food products
·           Business relating to milk products and oil
·           Chartered Accountant or Banking business
·           Publishing and offset work related business

·           Business in relation to luxury and luxury items
·           Business in film, acting, drama, Story writing, director, choreographer
·           Business in latest electronic gadgets, medicines, public relations, politics, hotels, restaurants and motels
·           Business related to arts like painting, music, dance, poetry and other cultural activities
·           Event management and Fashion related business
·           Any business related to beauty products, jewellery, decoration, interior decoration, architecture, readymade and branded garments

·           Business in all types of metals, manufacturing, Job work, Sub contractor, Labourer, Architectural, Civil Work, Construction, Building materials, plumbing.
·           Business which are related to all types of labour works, Justice, Cements, Mines, Coals, Archaeology, Research Work, Finance, Economics, Wholesaler, Malls, Super Markets, Provision Store, Grass, Farming, Land Developing, Banking, Packaging, Carpenter, Shoe Cobbler

·           Business which are related to Automobiles, Engineering, Technical Works, Poisonous drugs, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Anaesthesia, Chemical, Antibiotics, Pharmacy, Pathology, Lab Technician, Liquor, Anti-social works, Fraudulent works, Occult, Mines, Smuggling, Luxurious things, Gambling, Speculations, Lottery, Foreign Languages, Export & Imports

·           Business that is related to all type of Seasonal works, Multi businesses, Religious things, Gas, Fire
·           All type of Metal works, Process work, Cattle breeding, Farming, Pets, Drugs and Equipments, Gym
·           All the things that are related to Forest, Chemical, Spiritual Works
·           Things which have strong fragrance
·           Doctors, Computer, Multi manufacturing, Wholesaler, Astrology, Spiritual Field other than Education, Sports goods, Transport, Heavy vehicles
To know exactly, which is the strong planet and which business is suited to you, feel free to consult our expert astrologer on our website.


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