Can Kundali Matching Predicts if both have similarity in their Behavior

At the time of marriage, it is a ritual to have the kundali matching by date of birth to be done before fixing the marriage of the couple desirous of getting married. A question that may arise in the mind would be can kundali reading for marriage predict if both the partners would have similarity in behaviour. Of course, date of birth se kundali Milan can give us these answers.
Proper kundali reading for marriage can be done by using the Ashtakoota Guna Milan System. The Ashtakoota Guna Milan system takes into consideration 8 factors which are checked while kundali matching by date of birthis done. There are a total of 36 gunas or points that are matched when doing the date of birth se kundali Milanof the 8 factors. Usually 18 gunas or points are taken as a minimum for the Kundalis to match.
The 8 factors that need to be checked for during Nakshatra matching for marriage are:
1.    Varna Koota – 1 point

2.    VasyaKoota – 2 points

3.    Tara Koota – 3 points

4.    Yoni Koota - 4 points

5.    GrahaMaitriKoota – 5 points

6.    GanaKoota – 6 points

7.    RashiKoota – 7points

8.    NadiKoota - 8 points
To check the similarity in behaviour, we have to study the VasyaKoota and GrahaMaitriKoota from the AshtakootaGuna Milan system for kundali reading for marriage.
·      VasyaKoota – This is the 2ndKoota in the AshtakootaGuna Milan System. It carries 2 points. All signs of zodiac are divided into five categories or Vasyas :

1.    Chatuspada (quadruped) :Aries, Taurus, 2nd half of Sagittarius and 1st half of Capricorn.
2.    Dwipada (biped) :- Gemini, Virgo, Libra, 1sthalf of Sagittarius and Aquarius.
3.    JalcharRasi(acquatic):- Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn and Pisces.
4.    BanacharRasi (wild) :- Leo.
If the male and the female belong to the same Vasya, it is considered ideal and full 2 points are scored. It means that their nature is same and they will lead a happy married life.
·      GrahaMaitriKoota – This Koota is the 5th Kootain the AshtakootaGuna Milan system.  It carries 5 points. This Koota checks the compatibility and mutual love between the male and female who want to get married. A good mental compatibility between the two eases communication and understanding in the relationship and leads to acceptance, trust and even increases compassion in the relationship.

As per Vedic astrology, each of the 12 Zodiac signs is ruled by a planet.

·      Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars
·      Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus
·      Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury
·      Cancer is ruled by Moon
·      Leo is ruled by the Sun
·      Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter
·      Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn.
There is also a natural relationship between the planets as friend, neutral and enemy.
Planetary Relationships
Moon and Jupiter and Mars
Venus, Saturn
Sun, Mercury
Mars, Venus, Saturn,Jupiter
Sun, Moon,  Jupiter
Saturn,  Venus
Venus, Sun
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
Sun, Moon, Mars
Venus, Mercury
Mercury, Saturn
Mars, Jupiter
Sun, Moon
Mercury, Venus
Sun, Mars and Moon

Usually, if both belong to the same Moon sign and are friendly, 5 points are given. If one of Moon sign is friendly and other neutral, then 4 points are given and so on. So, GrahaMaitriKoota is very important to assess if he male and female are compatible at mental level. A high compatibility level is recommended.
Rashis and five elements:
As per Hindu philosophy, the world is made up of 5 elements namely fire, water, air, earth and ether. Rashis are divided as per the different elements.
·      Agni Rashis  (Fire) : Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
·      BhooRashis  (Earth) : Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
·      VaayuRashis (Air) : Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
·      JalaRashis  (Water) : Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
·      AakaashRashis(Ether) : All Rashis are ether Rashis as aakaash or ether is present in each and every rashi.
At the time of date of birth se kundali Milan, these Rashis are also considered as enemicRashis cannot be together (for example Agni and Vayurashis). So, it is very important to get a kundali matching by date of birthdoneby checking the above three factors for predicting similarity in behaviour of both the male and the female.
For more details, please consult our expert astrologers on our website.


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