I want to work in foreign Country. How can astrology predict that

In our olden days, going to settle in foreign countries or going out of the country was considered inauspicious. But, today the world has changed. People are interested in going abroad for a job or to settle down. This is because of the technology boom.
Settling abroad is a dream of many youngsters today. The attraction and pull towards the lavish lifestyle, modern age technology is very much in demand by people and they turn to take help of career astrology  to find out if there are chances of securing job abroad.
For career prediction, we need to study the Rashis types as well as tatwa of Rashis apart from the planets and the Houses.
As per the activity of the Rashis, we have:
·      CharaRashi (Moveable signs) : Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
·      SthiraRashi (Fixed signs) : Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
·      DwiswbhavaRashi (Dual Signs ) : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
For foreign travel, the CharaRashis are most important as these Rashis signify changes. Thus, if related planets are placed in these signs, the individual would tend to change residence, job, country etc.
The DwiswabhavaRashi gives short term foreign travel. If there are many planets in this sign, then the individual will go abroad frequently but for short periods of time.
According to Tatwa of Rashi, as per career Horoscope we have:
·  Fire Signs : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
·  Earth Signs : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
·  Air Signs : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
·  Water Signs : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Looking at the above classification, Water signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Show travel abroad as we need to cross the seas (water). Cancer is both a Moveable as well as a Water Sign and it is the natural of the 4th House, so this sign is very important for foreign travel.
The main planets we will study for foreign travel are Rahu, Moon Saturn and Venus. If these planets are in a Water Sign it gives good indication of foreign travel.
·      Rahu : When Rahu is well placed, it gives foreign travel in its Dasha. Rahu in conjunction with 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 9th Lord or 12th Lord indicates foreign travel as per career astrology.Rahu in Lagna or the 7th House also gives travel abroad.
·      Moon : Moon is the Lord of the 4th House so important when studying foreign settlement. Moon placed in Kendra (1,4,7,10) gives the individual a lot of travel within the country as well as abroad. When Moon is in a Water sign and conjunct with Rahu, it gives the individual foreign travel.  If Moon is in 8th, 9th or 12th House, especially if the Moon is in an exalted position in the 12th House, it indicates foreign settlement.
·      Saturn : It is the 9th Lord and if positioned in the 7th House, it is a good combination for foreign travel.
·      Jupiter : As Jupiter is the natural Lord of the 9th and 12th House, if Jupiter is positioned in the 9th,12th or 3rd House, it indicates foreign travel.
·      Mercury :Mercury in a strong position gives the individual chances of long travels in life.
The main Houses responsible for foreign travel are:
·      12thHouse : This is the most important House for foreign settlement. When Moon is placed in this House with Venus, it indicates foreign travel. If Rahu joins this conjunction, it is a strong indicator of foreign journey. If Saturn is positioned in this House, the native will have an inclination towards foreign countries.
·      9thHouse :This House denotes Luck, Fortune, Long Journeys or long distance travel. Thus, this House is important for foreign travel. If the 9th Lord is positioned in the 12th House or vice versa, it tells you that your fortune is in a foreign place.
·      8thHouse :Mercury if positioned together with Rahu in this House, then there are chances of earning abroad but they should not be weak.
·      1st House or Lagna: If the Lord of the 1st House has some relation with the 12th House, or the 1st Lord is positioned in the 12th House, it is a strong indicator of foreign travel.
·      4thHouse : This House signifies one’s own country. The 4th House or the 4th Lord is afflicted, it gives foreign settlement. If the 4th House is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th House and the 4th Lord is also afflicted, and a relation is there between the 9th and 12th House or their Lords, the chances of foreign settlement is high.
·      7thHouse : If the 7th House has a relation with the 12th, or has planets like Rahu or Ketu in it, foreign journey for business is indicated.
·      3rdHouse : This House denotes short travels. Even though not directly connected with foreign travels, the individual likes to travel.
Vedic Astrology thus helps us make career predictionwith the help of career astrology while studying the horoscope.
For detailed prediction on settlement abroad, we have expert astrologers who would give an accurate prediction. Please feel free to consult an astrologer.


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