How astrology help in selecting the Suitable Career Choice

It is the mind which dominates the thoughts of a person and the thoughts that give rise to actions, so the Moon sign also has an impact on career prediction. The 10th House is also very important to help determine the appropriate career.  In Career Astrology, when the Moon sign and the 10th House fall together they give more success in career prediction.

Career Astrologers need to study the following aspects so as to provide a proper career prediction:
1) The strength of the 10th HouseLord
2) The placement of the 10th HouseLord
3) The position of the 3rd and the 5th HouseLord
4) The placement of the Sun and the Moon in your Chart
5) Other planets influences on the 10th House of your Chart
6) Planets’ dignity in your Navamsha Chart
7) Your Aatmakaraka Planet in the career horoscope.
8) The Mahadasha and Antardasha planets that are ruling the career horoscope.
9) Effects of the planets which are in transit.


·      ARIES: An Aries native is strong willed, vibrant, enthusiastic, active and competitive by nature.  They do well in fields like athletics, government and politics, advertising, television and recreation, in the military.  They could be entrepreneurs, soldiers or rescue workers.
·      TAURUS:The Taurus native is fond of things that are stable and beautiful. They are hard workers with a strong and clear voice. They have an inherent love for working with flowers, food, jewellery and luxury items. The career prediction feels that the careers best suited to a Taurus native would be accountant, educator, engineer, lawyer, designer, landscaper, chef, etc. They work well as bankers, reporters and in research too.
·      GEMINI:The Gemini natives are optimistic and have a lot of energy. They are curious by nature, mischievous and versatile. The best careers for this sign would be accountants, technical support, translator, writers, and machine operators. The best fields for them would be journalism, travel, business and teacher.
·      CANCER:The Moon is the governing planet for Cancer natives and thus they are energetic, dramatic, kind-hearted, imaginative, protective and responsible people. As per career astrology, they are best as teachers, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, gardener, social workers, child care, human resources, CEO, soldier and historians.
·      LEO:People belonging to this sun sign are fearless, charismatic, and independent.  They love jobs which put them into the spotlight and which give them status and power. The careers suited for them would be CEO, tour guide, real estate agent, interior decorator, fashion designer, salesperson, Government Job, politics, editor in chief, and teacher.
·      VIRGO: Virgos are known to be perfectionists and are very organized, hardworking, meticulous and helpful. Career astrology says professions like editor/writer, teacher, critic, technician, translator, detective, statistician, Computing, accounting, media would suit them.
·      LIBRA:A Libra native is a very well balanced individual. These people are diplomatic, sociable, good looking, charismatic and people-oriented. They would be found in professions like Judge, diplomat, dancer, salesperson, host, negotiator, travel agent, supervisor, artists, fashion, brand ambassador, team leader, lawyer, socialist etc. 
·      SCORPIO:Scorpio natives are analytical, hard-working, intuitive, and resourceful by nature. They have very good focus and control. Career astrology says you will find such people working in professions like detective, lawyer, educator, scientist, surgeon, and physicist and in research.
·      SAGITTARIUS:The Sagittarius person has a natural zest and hunger for life. They are always on the lookout for new experiences and adventures. By nature, such people are ethical, spiritual and excellent decision makers. Careers for these natives are Law, religions, banking and finance, entrepreneur, athletes, counsellor, travel, public relations and administration.
·      CAPRICORN:As per career Prediction, you will find these people to be determined, persistent, hungry for power and extremely ambitious. Professions best suited for them would be Manager, administrator, editor, banker, IT, doctor, engineer, architect and anything science-related 
·      AQUARIUS:These natives are humanitarian by nature and are known to be visionaries. Careers suiting them are Counsellors, consultants, philosophers, astrologers, engineering, computing, social worker, fashion designer, astronomy and aviation. 
·      PISCES:These natives would show the characteristics of old souls. These people are also creative, imaginative and compassionate by nature. Career astrology says the professions best suited for them are Artist, nurse, physical therapist, philanthropist, veterinarian, and psychologist.

For a more thorough study of the planets and their houses, a detailed study of career horoscope needs to be done by the astrologer with the help of career astrology. This will also help a person decide on Job vs Business astrology.



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