What is right time to get married? Focus Your Career? Planning your children?

An individual after finishing his studies wants to settle down in life. What would be the steps to settle down in life? First and foremost would be to focus on getting a career suited to him as career would bring in money for sustenance of the family. Once settled in the job, one will start thinking of getting a compatible life partner. Finally, once married, the family is said to be complete once children are born.

Your exact birth date, time and location will help to do all calculations pertaining to marriage, career and planning of the child. What are you waiting for? Your birth details are ready to give you the various answers,click here.
Of course, you can know the perfect timing for one’s marriage.
·         Here we need to check the Dasha or the transit. VimsottariDasha along with Charadashaneed to be studied.
·         The 7th House Lord and Navamsa, the planets positioned in the  7th House of ascendant or Navamsa chart,  the2nd and the 11th Lord can give marriage during their Dasha and Antardasha
·         Study of transit of Jupiter and Saturn also needs to be studied.
·         Venus and Rahu can give marriage in their Dasha and Antardasha irrespective of their Lordship or position.

·         Govt or private job
In astrology, it is the 10th house that signifies career. Planet sun is related to authority, power,
fame, name, politics and all subjects related to government.
A strong sun is the best indicator of good chances of govt job. If the lord of 10th house is strong but placed in 6th/8th/12th house or of medium strength the person will work in private sector.

Does Private job or business suits you better?

Depending on your first house, its lord, career house and influence of strongest planets, which private profession suits you can be recommended. Your passion, interest and strengths for any particular private job can be easily determined.
If numbers of planets in movable signs are more than the number of planets in fixed or common sign in a horoscope it indicates you are better for business.
Astrology has many astrological remedies for any doshas or ill effects of the malefic planets.  Also, good planet positioning and auspicious yogas give good effects in the Kundali give good effects to a person.

Isn’t Marriage astrology interesting?  Get detailed analysis of your natal chart from our panel of expert astrologers.



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