Will your Marriage be fixed in this year. How Astrologers can tell about it

An individual desirous of marriage will consult an astrologer for marriage prediction and will have a reading of the marriage horoscope done.  He will also want to know if he would have a love or arranged marriage. In Marriage Astrology, to know exact timing of marriage, we need to study the
Ø Natal chart or the Birth chart
Ø Navamsa chart
Ø Jamini principle

Methods used for predicting marriage timing:

1.    Vimshottary Dasha is not the only tool for marriage prediction.
2.    The transit of Jupiter and Saturn need to be analysed carefully. The 2.5 years transit of Saturn and 1-year transit of Jupiter has to affect or aspect the ascendant or its Lord or the 7th House or its Lord.
3.    Once we are sure of the favorable transit, we have to check if the vimshottary dasha or antardasha has any relation between the ascendant, its Lord, the 7th House or its Lord.
4.    Now, we have to check from the Jamini angle. If vimshottary dasha shows marriage, then Jamini system must also show marriage. If this doesn’t happen then complete chances of marriage are not present.
5.    From the Jamini angle, the darakaraka, which is the planet signifying the spouse, has to have some relation between the 7th House and its Lord.
6.    The navamsa (D-9) chart has to be read carefully for making Marriage Prediction.
7.    Other dashas should also be analysed for getting accurate results.
8.    The transits of Mars, Venus, Sun and the Moon need to be should be studied. Many planets could be placed over the 7th House ascendant or lords of the houses. If not in that placement, then these planets should be near the concerned houses.
9.    If Jupiter is in transit, it will activate natal Venus in the chart of the male and Mars in the chart of the female.
10. There should be some mutual connection between the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 7th House.

The main House studied for marriage prediction is the 7th House as it is the House for any sort of partnership. It could be life partner or business partner. If there is any sort of relationship created between the 5th and the 7th House, then it shows a Love Marriage.  This House gives the most details regarding marriage prediction and timing.

FAVORABLE time for marriage

For knowing the time of marriage, the 7th House needs to be studied carefully. We need to check the strength of the 7th house, its lord and the karaka of the 7th house, Venus.

·      While predicting the time of marriage, first we have to check if Yoga for marriage is present.
·      After that, we need to analyse if there is early marriage or delay in marriage.
·      If marriage yoga is present, the individual has a chance of getting married during the Dasha of a planet which is related to the 7th House.
·      The Dasha of the Lord of the ascendant and Lord of the 5th House is also significant for Marriage Prediction.
·      Marriage could happen in the Dasha period of Venus as it is the main planet which is signification for marriage in case of males whereas it can also take place in the Dasha period of Jupiter as this is the planet which is the signification for marriage in case of females.
·      The planet Rahu could also give marriage so the Dasha of Rahu also needs to be checked.
·      In the Navamsa chart, the 1st,5th and 9th House Lords and planets that are connected to these Houses or their Lords are important.

The Houses that need to be analysed while studying the Marriage Horoscope.

·      The 7th House and the Lord  of the 7th House are important for marriage prediction.
·      The next House assessed will be the 8th House as it is the 2nd House from the 7th House. It shows the details about the stability and sustenance of marriage and also indicates the physical relationship.Thus when the 5th house or its Lord makes a connection with the 8th house or its Lord, it could give sensual nature and creates astrological Yoga for Secret relationship.
·      The 2nd House is the House which is indicator of the family and relatives and this House is thus analysed as marriage connects two families.
·      The final important house for predicting timing of marriage in astrology is the 11th house. The 11thhouse is all about the gains, our social and friends circle and indicates the fulfillment of desire. So, nothing is gained without the Blessing of 11th Lord.

Planets which predict Marriage Timing in astrology

·      The Planets that give Marriage in their Dasha and Antardasha periods irrespective of their Lordship or position are Venus and Rahu. These two planets thus have a lot of importance in Marriage astrology.
·      Venus is the planet which is the Signification of Marriage and Relationship.Therefore, if the Dasha of Venus is running in the marriageable age it could give Marriage even if it is not in connection with the 7th or 8th or 11th house.
·      The next planet we check is Rahu. If the Dasha of Rahu is running in the perfect marriageable age, it would give marriage in its Dasha or Antardasha. So these two Planets are considered very important in Marriage time prediction by marriage astrology.

But, also when predicting marriage timing, we have to check for marriage compatibility of the couple by using the Ashtakoota Guna Milan system as marriage compatibility is very important for any marriage to be happy and successful. 

If all the above factors are present in your marriage horoscope, then you can say that you marriage will be fixed this year.

For more detailed information, consult our expert astrologers.


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