Aging fast and yet to get married? – Reasons and remedies in astrology

remedies in astrology
The experience of marriage is different for different people. For some it may be smooth sailing - this means that the couple tend to agree on their viewpoints, have a tendency to be mostly agreeable and are well-tuned to each other’s feelings and emotions. There is support, care and trust between them as well. Inspite of any outside disturbances or conflicts such as domestic, financial or health troubles, the couple has the ability to jointly overcome issues. The above factors mean that compatibility between the couple is high. This ensures high chances of a successful marriage. In other words, the progression of married life inspite of any odds is smooth.
On the other hand, there are turbulent marriages which are just the opposite. Conflicts can happen because of personality mismatch, consistently differing points of view, lack of honesty, trust and love. Minor issues on a daily basis can flame up into large fights, leaving a bitter taste and widening the gap in the relationship. Each one feels alienated and fighting a lone battle without any support or understanding from the other.

A person about to get married may wonder what road his or her marriage may take – the smooth or turbulent one? Well, vedic astrology has an answer to this very important question, that determines the quality of one’s life.

Here is what would be analyzed to check smooth or turbulent marriage

The 7th house in one’s natal chart or online janma kundali is the marriage chart. This house reveals all aspects of a person’s life related to marriage.

Importance of specific planets:
·      Jupiter plays a key role in the horoscope of women for harmonious married life. If Jupiter and 7th lord are well placed and having good aspects, the married life will be both peaceful and free of worries.
·       On the other hand, Venus is the significator of men when it comes to marriage. If Venus and 7th lord are well placed and having good aspects, men can enjoy good quality married life

Bad planetary influencesIf the influence of malefic planets such as Rahu, ketu or Shani fall on the 7th lord, lagna lord or venus, it again brings many kinds of problems and afflictions.
The lord of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 12th should be free of afflictions, as all of these houses are related to happiness, children, and marital comforts.

Kundali matching:
It is for this reason that kundali matching by date of birth is done to ensure the best possible match on various parameters between two people. Nowadays there is online marriage prediction software that does the analysis quite well. It can answer the key question of When will I get married”, by showing whether a person will have an early or a late marriage.

For compatibility of two horoscopes for marriage, the astrologer sees that the rashis of both people can align with each other. Apart from study of individual horoscopes, the ashtakoot guna milan is also done, to check the compatibility on various parameters. The navamsha charts and panchang are also consulted.If there are 18 and above gunas matching out of 36 in the guna milan, the match is given a green signal for compatibility, else not. However, it is not the only criteria. In astrology, one must always correlate many factors.

Thus, while matching kundali, Ist House (Personality and Self), 2nd house (Wealth and Growth of family), 4th house(General Happiness and comfort), 5th House of Lady love and Progney), 7th house (Spouse), 8th house (house of Longevity of native ) and 12th house should be examined appropriately.
An expert astrologer can definitely suggest some very effective remedies for smoothening out married life. This can be through gemstones, chanting specific mantras, pitru poojas for nullifying any pitrudosh and also simple rituals and observances. The person performing these will be in tune with the energy of the planet being propitiated and will definitely see good results.

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