How Career Astrology Works. How Astrology Can help for Career Growth. Remedies for career struggle

With the multitude of options in career in jobs and business, an individual is totally confused as to what profession should they follow once they finish their education. The world is full of challenges and different competitions. Sometimes a career is chosen, but the individual is not satisfied in the profession. Now, at such times career astrology come to the rescue. The astrologer can do career predictionby study of the planets and the various houses they are positioned in to help an individual make a decision.

Career astrology can help us know the nature of a person in terms of profession; it also lets us know about the artistic ability of the person, the position of the individual at place of work and also how long the individual will pursue the career.

Each House has its own importance for career. Planets indicate the type of career a person would choose whereas the positioning of the strong or main planets in the different Houses would indicate the area of one’s career with the help of career astrology by date of birth.

·      1st House: This is the House of the self and would denote the success in the area of self-employment.
·      2nd House:This House would show the area of careers related to banking, investment, finance, teaching, consultants, writing and publishing. This House shows the nature and quantum of the income of an individual.
·      3rd House:This is the House of communication and includes careers for marketing, salesmanship, advertising, computer, web designing, travelling, writing and import export.
·      4th House:This House represents Land and vehicles.The area of career suited for this House is agriculture, building material, builders, sale and purchase of vehicles, mining etc. This House also indicates the pleasure derived from theprofession.
·      5th House:This House represents speculation. The area of career for this House would be share marketing, finance, education etc. This House tells us about the pattern of education and intelligence of the individual concerned.
·      6th House:This House indicates litigation, loans, diseases and disputes. Strong planets in this house denote a career in police, livelihood through service, court, loan-recovery, clinics etc.  Maternal relations would be helpful and fruitful.
·      7th House:This House represents business and partnerships including relations with females. The career of this House would relate to partnership business or trading. If the business is in the name of the wife, it would be successful depending on the positioning of the planets.
·      8th House:This House represents a career in Insurance and belongs to secret powers and research. Astrology and magic are careers inherent to this House.
·      9th House:This House represents luck and religion. Careers suiting this House are law, priest, head of religious institution, travelling to religious places etc.
·      10th House:This House represents connection with Government and politics. Careers suited for this House would be government jobs, politicians dealing with public life etc.
·      11th House:This House represents the House of income. Positioning of many planets in this House shows income from various sources. There is help in earning of livelihood from the brother. This House shows the nature and quantum of the income of an individual. A strong eleventh house and presence of Lakshmi yoga will make one to be in business rather than a job.
Saraswati yoga would make a person inclined to fine arts.
·      12th House:This House represents career related to foreign countries, import export, travel agency, hospitals, prisons etc.

There are 3 main indicators that are studied in the birth chart to indicate one’s career as per career astrology by date of birth.

1.    The planet Saturn
The kind of professional life an individual will have can be determined by the position of the planet Saturn.
·      Saturn positioned in Aries represents identity clarifications.
·      Saturn positioned in Taurus indicates material goals especially possession of wealth.
·      Saturn positioned in Gemini indicates a wise and learned person.
·      Saturn positioned in Cancer would represent a family oriented person
·      Saturn positioned in Leo indicates a powerful and famous person.
·      Saturn positioned in Virgo indicates the health conditions and skills of an individual.
·      Saturn positioned in Libra indicates a unified and harmonious partnership.
·      Saturn positioned in Scorpio indicates a person who looks at the past to create things in future.
·      Saturn positioned in Sagittarius represents a spiritual leader.
·      Saturn positioned in Capricorn would represent a powerful and authoritative person.
·      Saturn positioned in Aquarius would indicate an inclination towards independence and fairness.
·      Saturn positioned in Pisces indicates an understanding and passionate person.

2.    Zodiac sign Capricorn
·      A person wanting to be famous and earning a lot of wealth must be dominated, serious, planned and authoritative. This person would have a tendency to go into business with his boss. The Capricorn sign may have the planets Mars, Sun or Jupiter.
·      Suppose a  person has all the above qualities but wouldn’t like to compromise on social outings and pleasures, likes to be Manager, then his Capricorn sign may have Lagna such as Mercury and Uranus. The individual would become successful based on his intuition and not on logic or mathematics.
·      Suppose the Capricorn sign has Moon, Neptune or Pluto, the person would in all likelihood be in an undercover job or working for a secret organization.
·      If Capricorn has Venus or Saturn, then the individual would be a natural boss, organized at an authoritative position and would tend to be logical in decision making.

3.    10th House or its Lord
Tenth house should be seen from ascendant,moon and sun,whichever is the strongest.Lord of Navamsha of the Lord of the 10th House,whichever is strongest,from ascendant moon and sun should also be seen.

Career astrology tells us the various professions a person may go to depending on the 10th House Lord.

1stHouse :This is a good position of the 10th Lord for career and professional life. The individual will get a position of authoritative nature getting timely promotions and increasing wealth.
·      2ndHouse :The 10th House Lord in this position is very auspicious as the 11th House Lord (earning) is positioned in the House of wealth. If this Lord is strong, the results are more beneficial. The individual will always looking for various sources of income. The individual may join the family business making it more profitable too. Suppose the Lord is weak or debilitated, the results would not be desirable. The planets positioned here indicate the nature of the wealth earned.
·      3rdHouse : The individual will rise in his profession with his own hard efforts if 10th Lord is in this House. He will be a self-made person and may need to travel for profession. Transport related profession would suit such an individual.
·      4thHouse : The 10th Lord in the 4th House is a favourable position. The individual could be involved in business of land, houses or conveyances. The individual will be satisfied with his status in life and would accumulate luxurious household items and look for further growth in his profession.
·      5thHouse :The 10th House Lord in the 5th House is also considered lucky for  the individual. The individual would be learned, educated, qualified and the profession may be related to educational institutions, library or writing. This combination is Yogakarak as the Kendra Lord is positioned in the Trikona. If the 10th House Lord is debilitated in the 5th House, the individual should not do business of speculation or gambling as he will incur losses.
·      6thHouse :The position of 10th House Lord in the 6th House is not considered good. Even though the individual may be skilful, he may not be able to get job matching his calibre. He will have many enemies at his place of work with colleagues feeling jealousy towards him. Such individuals should not do business but make efforts to rise in their job or service. There will be delay in promotions and the individual would not have job satisfaction. If the 10th House Lord is weak, the individual may face disputes. A strong 10th House Lord may help remove the above obstructions.
·      7thHouse :The 10th House Lord in the 7th House would give the individual success in profession after marriage. The wife’s luck is important for professional attainment of the individual. The individual could also get monetary benefit from the wife as she would be a working woman. If Venus gets associated in this combination, the individual becomes wealthy enjoying all the worldly comforts of life. If the 10th House Lord is weak in this House, the individual should not involve himself in any business.
·      8thHouse :The 10th House Lord in this House is considered an adverse placement. The individual is not satisfied with his profession. Promotions are late or not given at all. The individual feels lack of stability in life. The individual may face transfers due to which he has to live away from his native place. A strong 10th House Lord indicates that the individual may be involved in some secret services and may also get income from unfair means.
·      9thHouse :The 10th Lord in the 9th House is auspicious as it is a Yogakarak position with the Kendra Lord positioned in the Trikona. Even if the individual is born in an ordinary family, he will attain high position through his own efforts.Luck will be on his side. The individual will enjoy all the comforts like a King or a ruler.
·      10thHouse : The 10th Lord in its own House is considered a good position. The individual will get job that is related to authority and power. If the 10th House Lord is strong or exalted or positioned in the Mooltrikona sign, the individual may reach the highest position in his profession.
·      11thHouse :The placement of 10th House Lord in the 11th House indicates wealth and prosperity. The individual earns a lot from his profession and is satisfied with the sources of income. Seniors will support him and he would be given timely promotions. The planets positioned here indicate the nature of the wealth earned.
·      12thHouse :The 10th House Lord in the 12th House is considered an inauspicious placement. Expenses incurred would be more than the income of the individual. There would be obstacles in the profession of the individual and timely promotions would not be given.  The individual may be into the import export business and may have to travel abroad in connection with the profession. Enemies might trouble the individual.

Effects of Planets
·      An Economist would have a strong Jupiter in combination with Sun and Mercury in the 10th House
·      A Career in the Engineering or Medical field is indicated when there is a combination of Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Moon in the 10th House.
·      A career in the electrical field is indicated in the Presence of Venus and Mars in the 10th House.
Dasamasa chart
Apart from rasi and navamshachart ,Dasamsa chart should be analysed for the nature of profession of the individual. From karakamsa(it is the rashi in which the Atmakarak is located in navamsa)one can foretell the nature of profession.
·         If Sun is in karakamsa itgives public works,political activity as a profession.
·         Moon and Venus indicate money earned through education,musician,and poets as professions.
·         Mars indicates metallurgy,arms,fire,chemist,engine driver,cooks etc. as professions.
·         Mercury indicates merchant,weaver,social worker as professions.
·         Jupiter indicates philosopher,religious head,pandit as professions.
·         Saturn indicates that the person becomes a famous business man if it joins atmakarak.
·         Venus indicates that the person would be a big politician if joint with atmakarak.
·         Rahu indicates doctor,chemical related jobs a profession.
·         Ketu indicates that the person would be a mathematician as a profession.

Career Prediction Astrologers should consider the following aspects in order to provide a proper career prediction:
1) The strength of the 10th House Lord
2) The placement of the 10th House Lord
3) The position of the 3rd and the 5th House Lord
4) The placement of the Sun in your natal chart
5) The placement of the Moon in your natal chart
6) The influences of other planets on the 10th House of your natal chart
7) The dignity of the planets in theNavamsha Chart of the individual
8) TheAatmakaraka Planet
9) The ruling Mahadasha and Antardasha planets in the Chart
10) Effects of the planets in transit
This means that the Career Prediction Astrologer has to deeply consider so many aspects to decipher which career is meant for an individual and what opportunities an individual will get in the present moments as well as in future.
1)    As soon as one wakes up in the morning the individual should look at both the palms. It is believed that this will give wealth because the goddess Lakshmi resides in the palms of the hands.
2)    Astrologically, they say that Goddess Lakshmi resides at the tip of the fingers of our hand, Lord Vishnu resides at the base of our palm and Goddess Saraswati resides in the middle of our palm. So, when one glances at both their palms as soon as they wake up, they worship all the three deities and are blessed with a prosperous and successful career.
Chant the following mantra while looking at your hands
“KaragreVasate Lakshmi Kara MadhyeSaraswati
Kara MooletuGovindaPrabhatekarDarshanam”
3)    Boiled rice should be offered to crows on Saturdays. The raven represents the planet Saturn, which rules over the profession in Astrology. The planet Saturn is pacified when the raven is served.
4)     Take water in a copper vessel and add jaggery to it.This water has to be offered to the Sun in the morning. This should be done within an hour of dawn. While offering the water, the Mantra "Om HreemSuryaayeNamaha" should be recited 11 times.
5)    TheGayatri Mantra and Mahamrityunjaya Mantra have to be recited daily for at least 31 times each.
6)    Lord Ganesha is known as VighnaVinaashak (the one who destroys the obstacles) so his beej mantra has to be recited to give benefit in case the person is facing problems in career. The mantra of Lord Ganesha is "Om Gam GanpatayeNamaha".
7)    Take a lime and 4 clovesshould be pierced into it. Take it in your right hand and with complete devotion recite the mantra "Om Shree HanumateNamaha"for 21 times. After completing the recitation, keep the lime in your purse. This will help your business to grow and if you are in a job then you will find good opportunities. If you are going to meet a person for an important job, do this remedy and then go, you will find success in that job.
8)    Also, suppose an individual is facing constant delays in job and career and is not getting the desired and due promotions, then one must make a small amount of sweets made from jaggery and offer it in a flowing water body like the river.


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