How astrologer explain if someone has brahmacharya in their life?

The life of an individual is broken down into 4 stages:
·  Brahmacharya
·  Grihastashram
·  Vanaprasthashram
·  Sanyasashram

Usually Brahmacharya is upto the student life of an individual. But there are times when a person remains single all his life. This is explained by the vedic astrologer after proper study of the birth horoscope of the individual.

The main Houses which help us understand no marriage yoga in the birth horoscope are :
·      First House or Lagna (ascendant) : This House tells us about the self or the individual himself.
·      Second  House: This House tells us about the relatives of the person
·      Seventh House: This House lets us know about the individual’s partner or wife
·      Eleventh House: This House tells us about the bonding and long termed relationship
·      Twelfth House:  This House tells us about any major expenditure

As marriage in the JanamKundli or Horoscope is to be studied from the 7th house, the success or difficulties or failure or no marriage yoga is dependent on the strength or weakness of the 7th house and its lord. If the 7th house and its lord is afflicted, then it can bring discord in the marriage or disturbed married life. If there is any affliction to 2nd house, 4th house 5th house, 7th house and 9th house by Saturn, Rahu ,Marsand Sun can take you towards unmarried life or no marriage yoga. As we know that Saturn is lord of delay and its aspect on the 7th house, 7th lord will delay the marriage. Rahu is lord of Confusion, Sun is lord of Attitude, Mars is lord of discord so any influence on the 7th house or on its lord can create problemswith married life.

Also if the marriage lord is ill placed i.e. placed in the 6th, 8th or 12 house and has malefic aspect of Saturn or Rahu and or Mars, it could give an individual no marriage yoga.  Suppose, if your 2nd house or 4th house is afflicted by Saturn or Rahu along with the 7th house and or its lord, it will increase the chance of Brahmacharya in life. If 9th house is also afflicted by Saturn /Rahu it will also enhance the chances of Brahmacharya. So affliction to 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house,9th house, 4th house alongwith Ascendant by Rahu, Saturn, Mars and with benefic aspect of Jupiter, Venus can giveno marriage yoga.

·      Brief combinations for no marriage yoga or Brahmacharya:
·      Saturn in Lagna (Ascendant) and Sun in 7th house in aspectwiithRahu/Mars or vice versa and without any benefic aspect.
·      Saturn in 7th house and Rahu/Mars in Ascendant (Lagna)  withoutbenefic aspect.
·      7th lord in 6th 8th or 12th house and in aspect with Saturn/Rahu/Mars and Sun in Lagna or 7th house without any benefic aspect.
·      Saturn in 2nd house, 4th house and is on RahuKetu axis and in aspect with Mars with displacement of 7th house lord without any benefic aspect of Jupiter or Venus.
·      Similarly 7th house trapped or sand-witched between two malefics placed in 6th & 8th houses may deny marriage or give no marriage yoga. If 7th lord and Venus are also subjected to malefic influence, the denial for marriage is strengthened giving no marriage yoga.
·      Retrograde Saturn, as lord of 11th house placed in 7th house or even in 9thhousemay deny marriage thus giving no marriage yoga for the individual.
·      In case a question is put to enquire the possibility of marriage and the chart drawn on the basis of the question time, shows Mercury, in 2nd or 4th house either from Ascendant or from Venus, generates a SanyasYoga or Brahmacharya i.e. no Marriage Yoga for the individual.
·      If Sun, Moon and Venus (or at least one out of Sun and Moon) are joined or in aspect with Saturn or some of these are influenced by Saturn and the other placed in Saturn sign (either Capricorn or Aquarius) or even in navamsha chart of these signs may deny the marriage or gives no marriage yoga.
·      If the planets Sun and Venus are positioned in the 5th, 7th or 9th House
·      If Saturn is positioned in the 7th House from the Moon
·      If a malefic planet is positioned in 7th House from Venus
·      If Sun, Moon and Venus are weak and are conjoined or in aspect with Saturn.

Thus, there are many other combinations too which tells the astrologer if there is no marriage yoga or Brahmacharya in the life of an individual.
Consult our expert astrologers for consultation of Brahmacharya in the life of an individual.


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