Your career prospects in 2020

With the beginning of the year 2020, we step into a new decade.  Individuals interested in Vedic astrology take the help of
career astrology 2020 to know the career horoscope by date of birth.  Many websites offer free career horoscope by date of birth and timeapart from Vedic astrologers giving you a career prediction with the help of career astrology.
The career prediction by date of birthfor the year 2020 assist you in taking decisions regarding your career.
v  ARIES:  This year the planet Jupiter moves into the career house. Aries individuals can expect new opportunities which would involve a lot of travelling says the career prediction for the year 2020. This would include travelling abroad by plane for work. Make sure that you do not take part in any unethical or immoral actions while moving forward and pushing ahead for your prospects to a better career. 

v TAURUS:Career prediction 2020 says that this year will be a very successful one for the Taurus individuals. Uranus which is the career planet for Taurus will move into its own sign which would begin a long-term success trend.  More career opportunities are seen for the Taurus individuals which give them more responsibility are likely in this period.

v GEMINI:The career horoscope 2020 says that the parallel movement of big planets of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury which move into Capricorn bring new challenges for the Gemini individual.  Hard work and focus are very important to push the individual through difficult times. This is a good time for Gemini individuals to start networking and jotting down new ideas so that they are ready for new roles which would come their way.

v CANCER:The beginning of the year is not as expected says the career horoscope 2020 leaving the Cancer individual irritated. Stay calm and do not get frustrated as nothing can be got with a mind which is not at rest. You have to show your mental strength to survive and secure your position at such times. Cancer individuals are seen giving more time to their side business.

v LEO:The career horoscope 2020 shows that there are challenges on the work front. It is advised to stay focused and keep your goals clear and there would be no problem. If the Leo individual places value on his skills he will be able to find success.  This year will give them the boost to become assertive.

v VIRGO:The career horoscope 2020 says that Mercury is in the 10th House. This means everything is going all right on the job front. This is one of the best phases in the life of a Virgo individual with everything going smoothly. The individual may get a rise in salary or even a change of job is indicated. It is advised to take time out for relaxation.

v LIBRA:The career horoscope 2020 shows that the Libra individual focuses more on the home life than career. The Libra individual would prefer spending time with family rather than attend late meetings at the office. There may be some negative career changes for the Libra individual as the Moon is the career planet for their sign and there are some lunar eclipses taking place this year. Some disruptions are seen at work but focus on relationships and hobbies helps get over this problem.

v SCORPIO:The career horoscope 2020 says that the Scorpio individual will have more focus on home than his career. He will be able to build up his relationships and focus will be on things that make him happy and taking less pressure to perform well at the work front. As Sun is the career planet of Scorpio, the career lie is fulfilling. The Individual born under this sign will continue whatever he has been doing and major changes will be in the future.

v SAGITTARIUS:The career horoscope 2020 says that just like the Scorpio individual, the Sagittarius individual will focus more on life which is outside the work front. He will prepare for future success in his career. There are major job prospects and business opportunities waiting for the Sagittarius individual ahead.

v CAPRICORN:The career horoscope 2020 does not foresee many changes in the career of the Capricorn individual. This individual would prepare for the future behind the scenes. He may have many brainstorming ideas in preparation for the future to know what they would like to accomplish in 2021.

v AQUARIUS: The career horoscope 2020 says that the Aquarius individual will have a strong career in this year just like he has had in the past few years.  This year there may gain recognition are work or even get a promotion. As Pluto is the career planet for this zodiac sign it will focus on idealistic and meaningful work for the Aquarius individual making the individual stick to a job which is helpful to people.
v PISCES:The career horoscope 2020 foresees that the Pisces individual will focus on something that is meaningful to them rather than working in a routine job. It might be to start a new business, write a book or share their art. The Pisces individual will be introduced to the world in a brand new way.
Every zodiac sign would have something new for them in the New Year 2020. The goal for any of the zodiac signs has to be to take advantage of the career opportunity rising for them this year and being open for any changes that may occur.


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